Design Consultation for Age-friendly spaces
Whether you want to age in place, are looking to move into senior living, or taking care of an aging loved one, expert consultation is worth its weight in gold. Helping you to avoid pitfalls as well as expose you to technology that can save your dollars and dignity while you maintain your freedom. Whether it’s one hour or a 100,000 sq. ft. building we are here to help.
Stay at the Werner House
Experience the latest in Interior Design and technology trends that showcase that you don't have to compromise as you age. The home features technology and thoughtful design that improves connection and overall well-being for anyone aging and their families. Imagine the possibilities of your future being better than you could have ever imagined.
Speaking, Writing, and Educating
Learn about the best designs & tools to keep us active and connected as we age, especially with multiple generations. Maya Angelou said "When you learn, teach. When you get, give."
Product consulting and development for age-friendly products
We consult with manufacturers to improve their products for those aging. We practice Kaizen which is is a Japanese term meaning "change for the better" or "continuous improvement." After all, Great Design is Good for everyone.
Contact Us
To book an Event/Stay you can contact the Werner House Director directly, visit our website linked below or submit info here!
Director@infinite-living.org | +1-614-701-7252 | TheWerner.house
We can help with your project!
We look forward to working with you and improving the aging process. Fill out the form below and we’ll follow up to schedule a phone call or meeting with you.